Monday, November 26, 2007

It is late and I am talking crazy...

Right now it is 4:34 in the morning and I am taking a break from writing some of my great customer's routine stacks.

I need a break.

So I went outside and hung out in my yard for a bit.
Everything is so quiet at these times. It is beautiful and great.
It really is a funny thing, because this whole pick up thing is always such a journey. And really all of your life should be that way.
Tonight I met up with Fidelio, Shaft and Sinn.

One of the things that has always bugged me about the Pick Up community is how cartoonish everyone is portrayed. You can see it even in the book The Game, it is like everybody is this fictional character. And the thing is that game is bullshit if you can't be yourself.

Whenever I meet someone that is looking for advice they always seem to ask me about how they can mimic these people like Mystery, Sinn, Savoy, Captain Jack and whoever else, and I want to tell them...
'Yeah at first you have got to change. You have got to humble yourself and do what we know works. We have a method that we teach.
But then when you get good you need to show yourself in that way.'

You see the thing is that it is Skill Set, Lifestyle and Inner Game. So you have got to cultivate all those things to get this thing down.

The thing is that whoever I meet, it is almost a disservice to being human if I don't see people as just who they are.
Sinn is very human, he is good at what he does, one of the best int he world, but he is human.
With guys like Captain Jack and Shaft, you almost can't help but see how human they are.

But with all of our internet identities and such it is hard to see that.
People see these LRs and what we write about, but not us as tangible beings.
Don't get me wrong, I think all of us love what we are doing. It is what we do.
But that is just my point,
to be good at this thing, you have to be yourself and be your best self.
You need to be so comfortable in your own skin that you can show everybody.

May be had to believe but one of the more normal people I have met in this whole thing has been the Ca Pimp.
And one of the things in how amazing his game is, is based on how comfortable he is with his expression of self.

But in order to really convey to the world that you are someone who is attractive is that you need to have an identity and a lifestyle that portrays that. This does not mean that you need to have an identity that is full of shit, it means that you need to be the best at whatever you do.
If that is someone who is responsible for disposing of barf bags on an airplane then you need to do it with pride.
Your outlook needs to change first, then you can start learning to show yourself to the world.

One guy I know, KingsFull, works his ass off at game. And he is getting really good.
Actually there are a lot of guys getting there in Austin, Clear, Dante, and about 5 other's whose names escape me at this waining hour.
But one of the things KingsFull told me the other day, was that his career was being put too far on the back burner right now because of his dedication to game.
And he told me that if his lifestyle wasn't in order he couldn't game from the right place.

And when he told me that, it made me realize how good he is going to be at this thing.
Because what it is all about is that your roots need to be there.
If they're not, you'll just be floating away, filling an empty cup.
Your game won't be coming form you, and then what is it worth?

Just a thought.

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